5 Best Exercises for Diabetics

Exercise is a key way for type 2 diabetics to keep their symptoms at bay. Regular exercise can help increase insulin action, while keeping blood sugar levels stable.

In addition to this, many people with type 2 diabetes are at high risk of obesity and falls, but exercise can help you improve your balance as well as keep your weight under control.

You don’t have to be a power-lifter to enjoy the health benefits of exercise. Try incorporating these simple exercises into your daily routine, and go slowly at first.

Best Exercises If You Have Diabetes

Check with your doctor before you start doing these exercises for diabetics. Exercise impacts your blood sugar levels, so you may need to take some precautions.

1. Weight Training

The best exercises for diabetics are ones that help improve muscle mass. Weight training can help you maintain your blood sugar levels, so try to do this type of workout at least twice a week.

2. Walking

Walking is also among the best diabetes exercises. All you really need is the right pair of shoes and a destination. Try to incorporate brisk walking into your routine at least 3 days a week, for a total time of 150 minutes.

3. Swimming

If you have problems with your joints, swimming is a diabetic-friendly activity you can try out. Studies found that this type of exercise may help lower blood sugar levels in the same way that land-based activities do.

You don’t have to stick with swimming, though. Aqua jogging, water aerobics, and other activities that give you a workout also count.

4. Cycling

Cycling is another exercise option. You can get on an actual bicycle and take a spin outside, or you can go for a stationary bicycle instead. Regardless of which you choose, cycling improves blood flow to the legs. It’s also a great way to burn calories and keep your weight under control.

5. Yoga

Of all the exercises for diabetics, yoga is one of the safest. It provides stress relief but it can also improve your health in a few notable ways. The results you can expect include:

  • Improved nerve function
  • Decreased insulin resistance
  • Less body fat

You can do yoga as often as you like, and it doesn’t have to be costly either. This makes it one of the best exercises for diabetes.

The Final Word On Getting Your Muscles Moving

Daily exercise is an integral tool to manage diabetes type 2 symptoms. It’s also great for your overall health.

However, it’s important to start off slow, especially if it’s been a while since you last exercised regularly. Before you know it, your workout will become fun and energizing rather than a chore.

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