3 Homemade Shakes That Can Help You Lose Weight

Losing weight is rarely enjoyable, as it almost always means going on a very restrictive diet that isn’t at all fun to follow. However,...

5 Ways Yo-Yo Dieting Can Affect Your Body

Nobody yo-yos for fun. Let's restate that. Nobody yo-yo diets for fun. Because it's not fun, and the effects of yo-yo dieting aren't fun....

The Pros and Cons of the Whole30 Program

The Whole30 diet is getting big. It has a ton of Instagram followers. It has dedicated adherents and critics. It's been voted worst diet...
1500 Calorie Diet Plan

The 1,500 Calorie Diet Plan

If you are looking to lose some weight, you’ve probably heard about the caloric deficit – the reduction of your calorie intake relative to...
Is There Such a Thing as a Healthy, Crispy, and Delicious Snack

Is There Such a Thing as a Healthy, Crispy, and Delicious...

Everyone likes crispy and delicious snacks, but experts tell us that they are unhealthy and make you pile on weight. Still, you crave a...
3 Easy Winter Salad Recipes

3 Easy Winter Salad Recipes

In your mind, winter may not be quite the right time for a salad. But, listen up, with the following 3 easy winter salad...
the benefits of cooking with coconut oil

The Benefits of Cooking with Coconut Oil

The views on coconut have been mixed in the past. Some told us to avoid it because of its high saturated fat content, while...
3 reasons why you should switch to oat flour

3 Reasons Why You Should Switch to Oat Flour

Not many people use oat flour, which is a shame as it as some many nutritional benefits. As more and more people have difficulty...
ultimate protein smoothie recipe

The Ultimate Protein Smoothie Recipe

Are you looking for tasty smoothie recipes? Having a protein smoothie is a great way to get some important nutrients your body needs. You...
what are juice diets

What Are Juice Diets and Are They Good for You?

If you follow all the latest trends in weight loss, you must have heard of juice diets. If not, you're probably wondering "what are...

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